pregnant women to avoid stepping over ropes while pregnant know about myths and facts

pregnant women to avoid stepping over ropes while pregnant know about myths and facts

We all know that some such things are said in the family and around us regarding pregnancy. Which we often trust blindly. But somewhere these things are completely false. If you must have noticed that since the time of our grandparents, some things have been said like this or we have been taught since childhood that we also feel that if we do not do this then this will happen. Not only this, these things are told to us with logic.

In this way these mythical things are presented before us due to which we start accepting them as true. Today we will discuss one of those myths here. Today we will talk about whether stepping on a rope during pregnancy causes the umbilical cord to get stuck in the baby’s neck? Now the question arises whether this really happens? Actually, ABP Live Hindi has started a series on ‘Myth vs Facts’. Through this series, all the myths in the society regarding pregnancy have been dispelled. We will try to answer in a logical manner what people follow considering it to be true.

Myths Vs Facts: Does stepping on a rope during pregnancy cause the umbilical cord to get stuck in the baby’s neck?

We raise such issues in the ‘Myth vs Facts’ series. Let’s try to get to the bottom of it. Which is often used by people in colloquial language. For example, in our society there are many things related to pregnancy which doctors consider as myths. Through this Myth VS Truth series, we will present such things with facts to the general public. So that you do not get trapped in the quagmire of conservative falsehoods.

In every culture, you will definitely get to read or see some myth. For example, there is a myth that pregnant women should not step on ropes during pregnancy. Because by doing this the child’s nuchal cord gets stuck in the neck. In which the umbilical cord gets entangled in the child’s neck. In the modern era, this myth has been extended to electrical wires.

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In the myth, it is not even advised to raise hands above the head while pregnant. Because this can also cause the nuchal cord to get stuck. There is no scientific basis for any of these myths.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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